General Product Info
- LushEss soaps are SLS-free.
- Since there are no added preservatives, stored in a cool, dry area, our products can last approximately one year.
- Keep scrubs and salts away from direct sunlight as this will damage the essential oils in them.
- To increase the lifespan of soaps being used, store on a cool dry surface.
- Using dry, metal or plastic objects to scoop the scrub and salts out of their containers will help preserve their freshness. If possible, refrain from 'digging'the contents out with your wet fingers :)
- Keeping the lids of scrubs and salts closed when not in use will help retain the aroma of the essential oils longer.
- Generally, you can use the scrub daily after rinsing off soap. Don't forget to rinse off the scrub too!
- 1 teaspoon of salt to 5 litres of water should be sufficient unless you want it to taste and feel like the sea itself then by all means use a whole jar :)
- LushEss wants to go GREEN too! If you bring us back your empty, cleaned jar of scrub or salt, we will take off RM2 from your next jar purchased.
Ingredients used
What is Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLS)?
To put it simple, it is the chemical in our everyday skincare products ranging from soap, shampoo to thoothpaste that makes them so "foamy". Pick up any of these products which you are currently using and check the ingredient list yourselves. Below are the links of articles on its dangers:
1. - Could 16,000 Studies Be Wrong?
2. - What are the Dangers of Sodium Laureth Sulfate?
3. - Sodium laureth sulfate
4. - Dangers of SLS